Real Little Whales® Toy Program
Raising Awareness and Appreciation
for the Next Generation

In 1987, after seven years hard labor carving [40] one-of-a-kind anatomically “close” wooden whales, the concept of Real Little Whales – injection molded realistic scale models of six species of whales as educational and fun toys – seemed like the appropriate next step.
A charitable organization known as The Real Little World Foundation was established in the State of Pennsylvania circa 1990 in order to donate a percentage of the profits from Real Little Whales sales directly to The American Cetacean Society and other non-profit groups engaged in marine mammal research and preservation.
Concurrent with this progress made in product development, endorsements from international cetacean [marine mammals] and wildlife preservation organizations were solicited and secured.
Notable among these was The Cousteau Society, The American Cetacean Society, The New England Aquarium, National Geographic “whale artist” Larry Foster and many more.
Please see endorsements below.
Real Little Whales Molding Process
Plastiline Clay and Waste Molds
The blue, humpback, sperm, gray, bowhead and killer whales were chosen to represent the inaugural set of RLW, ranging in size from 4 inches [killer Orca] to 10 inches long [blue]. Each species was fashioned from oil based plastiline clay and three-piece plaster waste molds were made. Cold-cast liquid urethane was then poured into individual molds and allowed to cure as positive image “roughs.”
Silicone Rubber Molds
After which, each miniature whale was refined to ultimate detail, by hand, to serve as “masters.” Silicon rubber molds were then struck to make second generation 3D “plugs.” In turn, these exacting reproductions would be used in the difficult fabrication of high volume, beryllium copper injection mold “tools.”
Beryllium Copper Injection Mold
Since the blue whale was the largest of the set and posed the most challenge, a two cavity production mold was financed, and [tinted] blue whale test samples were run using materials of choice; “food grade” TPR – thermoplastic rubber and virgin vinyl. Results were impressive and affordable.
Finished Product and Packaging
Safety and Durability Top Priorities
Product safety was fundamentally important. For the newly formed Real Little Whales S-Corp, it was essential its toy models meet or exceed stringent FDA guidelines/standards for durability, strength, elasticity, toughness, toxicity and small parts compliance before targeting consumers or attempting to secure interest from marketing venues. Blue whale test samples were sent to FDA labs for analysis and were deemed safe for use as children’s toys.
The Great Whales Display Board Sculptures
Further Applications A line of hand painted, castable urethane half-models of Real Little Whales was manufactured and sold wholesale to east coast US maritime galleries as “The Great Whales – Display Board Sculptures” for home and office.
Real Little Whales® Additional Photos

The Real Little Whales Toy Program,
including all prototypes,”Masters”, silicon
rubber molds, packaging art, logos and
two cavity, high volume beryllium copper blue whale injection mold with multiple test samples is for sale. Contact Johnny Jackson for more information.
Real Little Whales®
“We commend the sculptor for his painstaking care and skill in rendering attractive scale models of whales which are remarkably naturalistic in their representations of size, shape, and color.”Cetacean Society International
“Located in the major whaling port of the world 200 years ago and the home port of the whaleship which inspired MOBY DICK, the Nantucket Historical Association and its Whaling Museum are pleased to endorse Real Little Whales as a means to protect and preserve the largest of mammals, the whale.”Nantucket Historical Association
“As an educational institution, the New England Aquarium is also enthusiastic about the educational component for your product. I feel that your incorporation of the educational materials as well as the realistic depiction of the whales takes your product beyond a toy or collectible and gives it great meaning.”New England Aquarium
“It is a pleasure, both personally and on behalf of Resource Enterprises, to write a letter of endorsement for Real Little Whales. As you know, I have been aware of your efforts to develop your product line for some time and am well apprised of the effort you have expended to produce both biologically accurate and educationally useful miniatures. The end result has exceeded my expectations!”R. W. Langton, PhD., Research Marine Biologist
“Real Little Whales is a product that will assist educators in promoting an awareness of marine mammals and their ocean home. We applaud your efforts to produce a meaningful toy that will be a learning tool as well.”California Marine Mammal Center
“Thank you for providing me with the information on Real Little Whales models. I am very impressed and pleased with your product and the opportunity to show the public these realistic models of whales. …Your fine work on educating the public with Real Little Whale models is an important part of the movement to save whales and their ocean habitat.”M.J. Palmer, Ocean Alliance
“I am pleased to endorse the series ‘Real Little Whales’ for their aesthetic and educational value. Their availability will contribute to our continuing struggle to help whales recover to their rightful place in marine biological systems after centuries of ruthless hunting by humans.”International League for the Protection of Cetaceans
Letters of interest in product placement include: