Whale Sculptures by John C. Jackson

Wooden Whales Series
by Species
From the well-known Sperm and Humpback Whales, to the less-familiar species like the Minke, Fin, and Right Whales, Johnny has captured them with great attention to anatomical accuracy and proportion befitting of these magnificent sea creatures.

Wooden Whales Seriesin Chronological Order
View the progression of Johnny’s work from his first whale, “Mobetta,” through his 40+ whale carvings of twelve whale species over the course of six years.

Wood Sculpting Process
Photo Gallery
Constructs versus extracts – enjoy this photo gallery of Johnny’s extraction process via visualizing, drawing, sawing, chiseling, rasping, shaving, scraping and sanding away every infinitesimal fiber not “whale.”

Real Little Whales
Toy Program
This series of life-like whales was created to raise awareness about the plight of these endangered species and to offer some much needed financial support to the American Cetacean Society, champions of their survival.

Bronze Whale
Casting Process
Sand Casting Versus the Lost Wax Process- Read Johnny’s account and view the photos of the casting the Humpback Whale No. 13 and Cachalot.